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What We Treat

In addition to the below conditions, we can also assist with helping you manage stress, being a part of a marginalized community, life transitions, women and men role issues, and insomnia/issues with sleep. We provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment to help you work through your mental health concerns.

Drinking Coffee
Supportive Friend
Female Friends
A Supportive Hug


Depression is a normal human emotion that is likely experienced by many individuals at some point or another. Major depression is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest that interferes with your ability to function that may not necessarily have a cause. Symptoms of depression include marked sadness, sleep variability, appetite changes, hopelessness/worthlessness, and even thoughts of not wanting to be alive. Postpartum depression is associated with the same symptoms but occurs after giving birth to a child.

Bipolar Disorders

Bipolar disorders are a type of mood disorder that causes unusual and extreme shifts in an individual's mood, energy and overall ability to function. Bipolar disorders include Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and cyclothymic disorder. The severity of symptoms is what categorizes the type of bipolar disorder an individual has. Bipolar disorder is associated with the following mood episodes:  mania/hypomania (abnormally happy or irritable) or depression (sadness). Other associated symptoms include decreased need for sleep, increased motor activity, increased risky behavior, fast speech, and racing thoughts. 


Anxiety, like depression, is an emotional state that is commonly experienced and is usually temporary. A certain level of anxiety aids in motivation! Anxiety disorder is associated with persistent feelings of anxiety or dread and include symptoms such as restlessness, fatigue, forgetfulness, insomnia, and unexplained pains. There are subcategories of anxiety disorder including generalized anxiety, panic disorder, social anxiety, and specific phobias.

Adjustment Disorder

Adjustment disorder is similar to depression, in that one may experience symptoms such as sadness, decreased interest in hobbies, sleep disturbances and appetite changes, however, there is a known cause for the symptoms such as losing a job, moving to a new area, or transitioning to a new role at work. 


PTSD  is caused by being a witness to or being a victim of abuse or a traumatic/stressful event.  Symptoms may include nightmares, flashbacks, avoiding things that remind you of the traumatic experience, and being on high alert. Some people who have gone through a traumatic event get better with time, however if you noticed that symptoms are not improving or worsening, and impairs your ability to function you may have PTSD. 


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) involves persistent issues with executive functioning which make it difficult to sustain attention, stay on task, and follow through with assignments and projects.  This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness.  ADHD is also associated with hyperactivity and impulsive behavior, all of which could have negative consequences.

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